2024 HWC Short Film Festival

It’s Official!! The 3rd HWC Academy SHORT FILM 🎥 CHALLENGE is here!

It’s Official!!
The 3rd HWC Academy SHORT FILM :movie_camera: CHALLENGE is here!

Deadline to Submit Sunday June 9.

Film Festival date: :clapper::film_projector::film_frames: ALL films will be shown in the HWC Short Film Festival Sunday June 23 (online) 4PM PST

Filmmaker Instructions

  1.  Pick other HWC actors to work with.
  2.  Write a 3-8 minute script giving you all equal screentime. Everyone needs a meaty scene 🎬
  3.  Get together and shoot live and in-person.
    1. Work with people who have different skill sets than you do so you don’t have to figure it all out yourself, but you can work together collaboratively as a team!
    2.  Create a poster for the film (use Canva or Fiverr)
    3.  Create a FB page for the film
    4.  Create an IMDB PRO page for the film Here:
    5.  Create EPK Press Kit
    6. Write Press Release
  4.  Enter the film into free film festivals on FILMFREEWAY.COM :motorway:

Congratulations !! You Are Now a Filmmaker! :movie_camera:

Previous Films From HWC Short Film Challenges & HWC Short Film Festival

:point_right:2021: https://hollywoodwinnerscircle.com/2021-hwc-film-festival/
:point_right:2023: https://hollywoodwinnerscircle.com/2023-hwc-film-festival/

Let the Creativity begin!

Industry Judges

Wendy Alane Wright

Talent Manager
President HWC Academy

Lorna Rainey

Talent Manager

Albert Bramante

Talent Agent

Corey Ralston

Talent Manager

Nancy Scanlon

Talent Manager

Rob Margolies

President Different Duck Films

Micheline Blais

Casting Director (Hallmark/Lifetime)

Msaada Nia

Casting Director
Studio Casting

Sean Perez

Talent Agent

Jim Dougherty

Working Actor + Coach, Editor

P David Miller

Working Actor

Maggie Shirk

Working Actor

Taissa Menna Barreto Zveiter

Working Actor

P David Miller

Working Actor

Maggie Shirk

Working Actor

2023 HWC Academy Short Films

If natural light or household lamps don’t meet your self-tape lighting needs, invest in studio lighting. Softbox lights evenly illuminate you while minimizing background shadows. Experiment to find ideal positioning based on your space. Proper lighting elevates homemade auditions to look professional-grade. Harsh shadows appear amateurish, softboxes make you shine. Control lighting conditions and quality with solutions designed for self-taping. With trial and error, configure lighting that enhances your performance for every audition tape.

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